Online LRBKA Members Meeting


From 7.30pm

1930 Tuesday 6th September 2022

From 7.30pm

Online via Zoom

"Preparing for successful winter" Marin Anastasov NDBAs the seasons go from autumn to winter and from winter to spring, thecolony undergoes significant changes in the physiology of itsinhabitants. This ensures they have all they need so they survive thewinter and provide the foundation of productive colony on the followingspring. There are a number of operations that we need to complete (andsometimes avoid) to ensure our colonies have the best chance of survivalthrough the winter and come ready for the spring build up. This talkcovers common reasons for the winter colony losses, the common reasonsfor colonies failing to build in the spring and some of the importantmanagement operations in the autumn, winter and spring to ensure ourcolonies remain healthy and productive.

Zoom link will be emailed to members.