LRBKA Christmas Meeting


The LRBKA Annual Christmas Meet

From 19.30

At Knighton Parish Centre

Church Lane. Knighton. Leicester. LE2 3WG

Leicestershire & Rutland Beekeepers Association Join us for a fun filled evening. Socialize with your beekeeping buddies. Meet those people who have only been a small tile on your screen for the last 18-months.

Pub-style Quiz – with underwhelming prize Raffle – remember to bring cash, lots of cash. Bring food to share – all contributions welcome

Honey Show 2021 Yes, it’s called a honey show, but this highlight of the beekeeping calendar is not restricted to just honey. We have categories for cakes (made with honey), mead (made with honey), photographs (made with honey, no just kidding) and a category for any other things that you have made with honey or bee products it’s great fun so get your thinking caps on and don’t forget to bring your things along in December.

Judging will be during the Christmas Meeting


A Two jars of liquid honey

B Two jars of granulated or soft set honey

C One honey cake or biscuits using honey to exhibitor’s own recipe

D One bottle of sweet mead

E One bottle of dry mead

F Photography & Novelty class. An item connected with Bees or Beekeeping, made by the exhibitor, such as an item using beeswax; a photograph; a tool etc.

Prize cards will be awarded for the three best exhibits in each class, but note regulation 10.

Show Regulations

1) Entries may be made by paid-up members of LRBKA or, for Class C only, can be by members of their immediate families.

2) Each exhibit will receive a label from the show secretary, which will be affixed 12mm from the bottom of the jars, on the rim of a cake plate, and on the rear of any photograph.

3) All honey and bee produce must be from the exhibitor’s own bees.

4) a) An exhibitor shall not receive more than one award in any one class,

b) An exhibitor shall not make more than two entries in any one class and

c) An exhibit shall not be exhibited in more than one class.

5) All bottled honey shall be exhibited in clear standard squat 454g/1lb or 340g/12oz glass jars with screw or twist-off caps of standard gold coloured metal or of white plastic. Entries shall bear no label, except those provided by the show secretary.

6) Cakes or biscuits shall be exhibited on a plain plate protected with a polythene bag.

7) Mead shall be made of honey and water without added alcohol and shall be shown in clear plain white round glass wine bottles of approx. 750ml capacity sealed with cork or plastic flanged stoppers.

8) Photographs may be chemically or digitally processed, and not larger than A4 size, including any border.

9) The show officials will take all ordinary care of exhibits, but will not be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever caused.

10) The judge shall normally make first, second & third awards in each class; except that, at his/her discretion, he/she may make a lesser number of awards should there be insufficient entries in a class or the quality of the entries does not warrant three awards.